We Support You!


Trained mentors (for women) and coaches (for men) are available to provide you with caring, compassionate support, as well as information and education. Meet one-on-one to discuss various topics that incluce, but are not limited to: parenting, relationships, finances, and goal-setting. 

Appointments take place once a month and last approximately one hour, which includes 40-45 minutes of discussion with Mentor/Coach and the remaining time is spent in our Baby Boutique spending Hope Bucks.

Hope ED@Home

What is Hope ED@Home

Hope Clinic for Women is aware of the additional burden the current health crisis creates for high shcool students needing community service hours and young women and moms at home with children. To help meet needs created by isolation at home, Hope is excited to provide education and physical resources that in the end will help you to come through this difficult time armed with tolls to bring thope to your life and family. 



What types of education are available?


BrightCourse is an online educational resource that we normally use at Hope for moms who are home bound due to illness, or issues related to their pregnancy. We are now opening the opportunity to sign up for this to all who are interested 

How does BrightCourse work?

A client calls reeptiona t 760-728-4105 ext 20 with interest in learning more about the program.

Staff provides an application to sign up online and also assigns a client advocate who will work with the client through her edcuation.

The client advocate connects by phone with the client and provides a link for a paticular class that the client selects from BrightCourse options - weekly or monthly.

Once that phone/online meeting is completed, the client receives Hope bucks that allow her to receive diapers, wipes, formula and baby clothes for children upt to 2T. Our resource manager will select these items since shopping in our boutique is not possible during the health crisis.

The client is assigned a time to pick up the free resources at the back door of the clinic. 

More About Education Options


Support for Dads

HCW Fatherhood Program